How often do you reach out for a paracetamol to relief your headache or migraines 💊 🤕 Do you never leave home without a packet of painkillers in your bag 👛 because you never know when a headache or migraine will strike 😳

Did you know that you can get headache relief effectively without medications 🤔
Research now shows that the cause of many Headaches and Migraines is a hyper sensitised brainstem 🧠 that misinterprets signals between the brain and the rest of the body, including the sensory systems as pain or unpleasant stimulus. This is why neck joint stiffness, bright lights 💡or loud sounds 🥁 triggers Headaches and Migraines. Studies have also shown that one of the biggest triggers for Headaches and Migraines is stiffness in the first 3 joints of the neck, and by correcting the stiffness in the first 3 neck joints, many of the symptoms of Headaches and Migraines can be effectively resolved. 😃

The Watson Headache Approach for Headaches and Migraines 🧐is one effective method of correcting the stiffness in the first 3 neck joints to relief Headaches and Migraines. It is a completely safe and gentle technique that assesses and corrects the stiffness in the first 3 neck joints, without 🙅‍♂️the use of any medication 💊or cracking of the joints.

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists 🤓are trained in the Watson Headache Approach for Headaches and Migraines and has been able to successfully help many Headache and Migraine Sufferers overcome their Headaches and Migraines. 😊

If you would like to experience first hand what it means to be free of Headaches and Migraines, or to be able to leave home without paracetamols in your bag 💼, or to feel lighter in your neck and shoulders free of the heavy tension in the base of your head, ring My Favourite Physio on 📱(02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists today! Find out how we can help you overcome your Headaches and Migraines 💪 without medications!

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