Do you suffer from Headaches that feel like a ton of weight ⚓️sitting on the top of your head😣


or Perhaps it’s more like a vice like grip that’s circling around your head above your eyes 👀 or
Is it the dizziness that really gets you down 🤮

Are you thinking 🤔 I can put up with the pain of headaches 🤕, but it’s the frequency of headaches that’s really stopping you in your tracks 😳 Headaches that come everyday for weeks in a row can really hinder your work and personal life😣

If that sounds like you, then the good news is you don’t have to put up with Headaches forever! 🎉😊

Here at My Favourite Physio our Expert Physiotherapists are trained to treat headaches 🤕using the Watson Headache Approach. And we’ve been able to help people like you suffering from years of chronic headaches become headache free😊 without the use of pain medications, diets and acupuncture needles! So if the thought of being headache free sounds like a good idea 💡 to you, ring My Favourite Physio 📱 on (02) 9790 4233 and speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists today to find out how we can help you overcome your Headaches 🤯 today!

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#myfavouritephysio #migraines #tensionheadaches #tensionheadacherelief
#physio #beabetteryou
#physiotherapy #bankstown