29 Jun Are you experiencing a deep ache and throbbing in one or both of your eyes? 👀
Have you seen an Optometrist thinking it’s over tired eyes 😳 or that you are over straining your eyes, only to be told there’s nothing wrong with your vision? 👓
So many people mistake that the deep ache in the eye sockets is due to over straining their eyes on the computer screen 🖥 and causing them headaches ….When in reality this deep ache and throbbing in the eye is a classic referral pattern of a headache coming from the first 3 joints of the neck! 🤓
It is likely that sitting with poor posture working over the computer or laptop screen 💻 for prolonged periods of time contributes to dysfunction of the upper neck joints resulting in headache sensations 🤕present deep in the eye socket region.
The Good News is that, our Expert Headache Physiotherapist 👨⚕️can treat the dysfunction of the first 3 neck joints to effectively abolish these deep ache symptoms in the eye sockets! 👁
So if you are experiencing deep ache in your eye sockets and headaches, you need to ring My Favourite Physio 📱on (02) 9790 4233 or PM us on Facebook at myfavouritephysio to book an appointment with one of our Expert Headache Physiotherapists today! You’ll see life through different eyes when you no longer have that deep ache and throbbing in your eye sockets! 🚀🚀🚀 AS AN ESSENTIAL HEALTHCARE SERVICE, WE ARE OPEN TO SEE ANYONE WHO IS IN PAIN AND IN NEED OF ESSENTIAL PHYSIOTHERAPY TREATMENT TO AVOID DETERIORATION OF THEIR CONDITION.
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