12 Nov Been told that you have Tennis Elbow, but you don’t play Tennis
Tennis Elbow is a common
overuse injury of the outside border of your elbow, and you don’t have to play Tennis to injure the muscles on the outside border of your elbow!
It is commonly known as Tennis Elbow because Tennis players tend to experience it due to the gripping action of the Tennis racket and twisting motion of the arm when hitting a Tennis ball
. The high level of repetition of the gripping and twisting motion that Tennis players perform to improve their game results in injury to the muscles on the outside border of the elbow. If you perform the repetitive action of gripping and twisting your arm in your daily life, such as scrubbing dishes, cleaning surfaces, using a screwdriver, turning a steering wheel of a truck or bus,
then you are likely to injure the muscles on the outside border of your elbow too!
The most common presentation of someone with Tennis Elbow is pain on the lateral region of the elbow. Some associated symptoms are weakness in gripping due to pain
and pain with pressure on outside border of the elbow. It is often thought that Tennis Elbow treatment only consisted of injections, massage and exercises to help overcome the pain.
However, in recent studies it has been shown that by using Mulligan’s MVM (mobilisation with movement) people experiencing Tennis Elbow pain are able to function with a decrease in pain and perform gripping and twisting actions better within one session!
The Mulligan’s MVM is a specific technique of moving the elbow joint. It is a gentle and safe technique that is suitable for all Tennis Elbow injuries! So, if you are in need of help to overcome your Tennis Elbow or if you want to find out more about this technique, ring My Favourite Physio
now on (02) 9790 4233 and speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists
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