12 Nov Concussion is an injury to the brain caused by either a blow to the head or body.
It may not be a hard hit that causes a concussion. In most cases, the child does not lose consciousness. However, a child’s developing brain
is more at risk than an adult’s, so parents and caregivers should be aware of the signs of concussion in children.
Signs of concussion may not be obvious. They can be physical such as a headache , but may also show in the way the child acts or feels.
Parents should look for the following warning signs of concussion in children:
feeling like they are in a fog
feeling sick or vomiting
sensitivity to noise or light
seeming irritable
sleeping more or less than usual
feeling depressed or sad
feeling dizzy or having problems with balance
unable to think properly or concentrate
The signs of concussion do not necessarily develop right after impact. Some can take hours or even days to appear. Parents must, therefore, keep a watchful eye
on the child for some time after they hit their head.
The child or teen may not always be aware of their symptoms, and so adults need to watch for signs that the child may not report.
If you are concerned about your child or if your child has suffered a concussion and needs help to recover from the injury, Ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 to book an appointment with one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists.
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#ifindoubtsititout #paedsphysio
#kidsphysio #headinjury