12 Nov Excuses excuses: often the easiest way to get out of doing something unpleasant is to make an excuse.
It’s far easier to blame work, the weather, busy with chores, family demands or the season, than it is to actually front up and do what you said you were going to do. In the long run though, you reap what you sow. If you want to be a winner, you have to run the race.
Hiding behind excuses never made anyone a champion.
Here’s 3 Top Tips to prevent you from ever needing to make an Excuse for not doing what you need to do:
1. Write down your list of 3 tasks for the week. Don’t list 100 things you want to do because it is unlikely that you will complete your list of tasks and then you will need to make an excuse for not doing them. Just list 3 important tasks that you need to complete to make your week a Win as you work towards your personal or professional goals. Put it in your diary exactly when you will be executing these tasks.
2. Declare your commitment to someone who will hold you accountable at the start of the week. Make sure that you choose someone who truly cares about your wellbeing and wants to see you be the best version of you. Making a public declaration to a significant person will help you to be more committed to your tasks because subconsciously you don’t want to let that person down. Give your accountability partner permission to check up on you mid week so that you both know if you are on track to completing your tasks for the week.
3. Celebrate your wins with your accountability buddy at the end of the week when you have completed your list of 3 tasks. Take time to congratulate yourself for accomplishing your set tasks at the end of the week and review how you had to overcome challenges to ensure you executed your commitments.
Then repeat Step 1-3 for the following week. Consistent planning and execution will ensure that you achieve your goals one step at a time. Before you know it, you are standing at the end of your race holding the Champion’s trophy.
#winning #myfavouritephysio #beabetteryou #physio #physiotherapy #gohardorgohome #winnerskeepwinning
#noexcuses #bankstown #getitdone