12 Nov Have you noticed that your toddler is moving awkwardly compared to other toddlers
Wondering if it’s a movement pattern that you should be concerned about or hoping
that it’s just a phase that they will grow out of
Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists see many babies, toddlers and children
who come in with concerns about the way that they are moving when they roll, crawl, stand up, walk, and run. Often we find that parents
are correct when they feel that there’s something odd about their child’s movement patterns.
Unfortunately, many parents would have waited and watched and hoped that their child would grow out of their “odd movement patterns” until 12 months has passed before taking action to see an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist for an assessment.
So here are 3 Common Adaptive Movement Patterns to look out for:
1. A child using their hands to lift their legs to move in and out of positions of play.
2. A child moves into a “bear stance” on their hands and feet and then walks backwards with their hands, to push their hands on their thighs to be able to stand up. Or they are needing to hold onto the wall to stand up.
3. A child is waddling side to side when they are walking, swinging their whole body side to side to fling their legs around to take a step forward.
If you noticed that your toddler is demonstrating any of these 3 adaptive movement patterns, you need to see your Paediatrician or an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist
as soon as possible to have your child assessed. Paediatric Physiotherapy Early Intervention is often the key
to helping children correct the adaptive movement patterns to improve their gross motor skills. To speak to one our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists
at My Favourite Physio, ring (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to find out how we can help your little one achieve their best potential.
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