Are you wary about sending you child back to school for face to face lessons

Is your child 🧒 anxious about going back to school

During this pandemic🦠, many families faced major changes in their day-to-day lives with self isolation and school remote learning. With all the unknowns that comes with a new virus, it’s normal to feel anxious about the “what ifs” and the future.😳 This stress does not just affect adults – children and teens are also at risk for anxiety, especially as their daily routines are affected. As Schools start to transition back to face-to-face learning, some children 🥴may experience anxiety about going back to school.

Here are 3 Top Tips to help your child transition back to school:
1. Practice school routines. 🏫
Re-establish normal school routines such as going to bed early the night before, waking up, eating breakfast, getting dressed into uniform, packing their school bag, 🎒and spending the day with a schedule of remote learning activities as if they are in school all day. Discuss with your child the new guidelines of social distancing and hygiene practices 🧼at school which will be different.

2. Check in frequently and listen👂
Check in with your child frequently about how they’re feeling and listen without interrupting. Hearing your child’s concerns, validating their feelings and keeping communication open is an important way to support them during this time. 😊You can help your child manage feelings of anxiety by sharing ways you cope when you feel anxious. Let them know it’s normal to feel upset or anxious and that you are there to help. Ask your child how you can best encourage them when they don’t feel good.

3. Communication🗣 with the school for support.
Notify your child’s school teacher about your child’s anxiety 🥴with return to school. Inform them of the specific concerns that your child may have about school. Your child’s school 🏫will also be trying to create a feeling of community, rebuilding and connecting.

For more information about supporting your child with anxiety go to

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