15 Nov Do you find yourself having Headaches and Migraines when you don’t drink enough fluids ?
A Dehydration Headache is a secondary headache, caused by not having enough fluids in the body.
Dehydration Headaches can be relatively mild or severe like a Migraine. Our body needs a good amount and balance of fluids function properly
With exercising and daily activities our body loses fluids through sweating and passing urine. Most of the time the amount of fluid lost can easily be overcome by drinking and eating. However, with poor habits such as not drinking water regularly and not eating three meals regularly in a day, our body loses fluids faster than is being replenished.
During these times, the body can become dehydrated, which can lead to complications including Dehydration Headaches
Since Dehydration Headaches occur only when the body is dehydrated, symptoms of dehydration such as extreme thirst, fatigue, reduced urination and dark coloured urine can be present during the Headache. Thankfully dehydration headaches can be overcomed quite simply by having enough fluids and not skipping meals!
So, drink plenty of water and enjoy three meals regularly in the day to avoid Dehydration Haedaches!
If you have read this information and find that your headaches are not dehydration related and want to find out more about why your headaches and migraines are happening ring My Favourite Physio now on
(02) 9790 4233 and speak to one of our expert physiotherapists
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