15 Nov Ever feel like your Headaches are caused by your neck muscles tightness
Been told that you need to stretch your neck muscles to reduce the stiffness and prevent your Headaches
Maybe you instinctively keep trying to stretch until you “crack” your own neck
Did you know that over stretching can actually cause an increase in muscle spasm leading to your neck joints becoming misaligned which results in worsening Headaches
Studies show that Headaches and Migraines coming from the neck occur due to spasms of the upper neck muscles. The muscle spasms pulls on the first 3 neck joints to rotate the joints to one side which results in further muscle imbalance in the neck!
By forcefully over stretching your neck muscles you can actually cause more muscle spasms in your neck muscle which pulls the neck joints further out of alignment! This misalignment of the neck joints and muscle spasms then causes even more Headaches and Migraines
So before you stretch your neck next time consider the following tips:
1. When stretching , never go into the range of pain. Instead gently stretch your neck to the side until you feel a stretching sensation but not pain.
2. Perform stretches regularly every 3-4 hours for maximum benefits instead of one big intensive stretch til you crack movement.
3. Seek professional advise and treatment from an Expert Physiotherapist to correctly diagnose and treat the cause of your Headaches and Migraines. Trying to ease your Headaches and Migraines with neck stretches will not effectively resolve your Headaches and Migraines.
At My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists are trained Headache and Migraine Specialists, who have helped many Haedache and Migraine Sufferers overcome their Headaches and Migraines! To find out how we can help you overcome your Headaches and Migraines, ring My Favourite Physio today
on (02) 9790 4233 to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists or PM us on Facebook or Instagram.
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