15 Nov Experiencing Recurrent Hamstring strains and injuries that is holding you back from peak performance
Wondering what’s a good exercise for strengthening your Hamstrings to prevent a Hamstring Injury
Have you heard about Nordic Hamstring Exercise for strengthening your Hamstrings
A recent study researched the benefits of Nordic Hamstring Curl Exercise in the prevention of recurrent Hamstring injuries in Amateur Soccer Players
and found that incorporating the Nordic hamstring exercise protocol in regular amateur soccer training significantly reduced hamstring injury incidence. The intervention group performed 25 sessions of Nordic hamstring curl exercises in a 13 week period along with their regular soccer training while the non intervention group performed their regular soccer training with no Nordic hamstring curl exercise.
This study demonstrates the effectiveness of the Nordic hamstring curl exercise. When performed with good technique and repetitions it decreases chances of you suffering from a hamstring injury. To find out to perform a Nordic Hamstring Curl Exercise or if it is a suitable exercise for your hamstring injury, ring My Favourite Physio on
(02) 9790 4233 to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists today! We would love to help you overcome your Hamstring Injury to return to peak performance today!
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