16 Nov Is your child coming home from school and complaining of foot pain especially on sports days
Noticed your child limping after a busy day running around at the park
Is your child crying at night because they can’t sleep for the pain in their foot
It’s never easy for parents when they see their child experiencing foot pain. Our first instinct is to sweep them up in a big cuddle and to place a heat pack on their foot. However, a heat pack may be the worse thing you can do for your child’s foot pain.
There are many possible causes for foot pain in children including:
Plantar fasciitis
Stress Fracture
Ankle Sprain
Severe’s Disease
Archilles Tendinitis
The treatment for each of these conditions are different and it is important to have the correct diagnosis so that your child is getting the correct treatment for their foot pain. Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists see many children with foot pain and we get great outcomes for each of them. We carry out a detailed history and a thorough assessment of their foot and ankle bones, the knee and hip joints above, their gross motor skills – the way they sit, play, walk, run and jump, to get a full picture of how they usually move. We then designed a individual treatment plan to manage your child’s foot pain, which may include casting, Dynamic or Rigid Taping, Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound, Radial Shockwave Therapy, Footwear Advice, Orthotics, Walking Boot, Stretching and Strengthening Exercise Program. Ultimately, we aim not only to get pain relief for your child, but also to prevent foot
pain from recurring as well as to improve their gross motor skills and correct the pressures on their foot bones to ensure that their foot and ankle bones develop correctly as they grow. Children are not just little people, their bone growth and muscle development especially under 5 years old is vital in determining their lifetime foot health and well being.
If you have noticed that your hide has been complaining of foot pain, don’t ignore it and hope it will get better, ring My Favourite Physioon (02) 9790 4233 to find out how we can help your child overcome their foot pain today!