25 Nov Do you have a family history of hip problems
Did you have to wear a harness as a baby
because you had clicky hips
Worried that your baby has a clicky hips too
If you answered yes to the above statements, then it is important you have your baby checked for developmental dysplasia of the hips. Developmental dysplasia of the hip, or DDH, means that the hip joint of a newborn baby is dislocated or prone to dislocation. The left hip is affected 3 times more often than the right hip. Dislocation of both hips is not uncommon. DDH affects one in every 600 girls
, and one in every 3,000 boys
. There is a family history of DDH in one third of cases. DDH can be effective treated when detected early, this is because baby’s hips are still developing in the first few months and we can influence the hip development through harnessing baby’s hips. When DDH is detected late at 12 to 18 months old, it often results in surgical intervention to correct the hips.
The key to great outcomes when ached has DDH is Early Detection and Intervention. Here are 3 Clues to indicate that your
baby’s hips are not well developed:
1. Baby’s hips do not open out fully to touch the mat when you are changing baby’s nappy or one hip opens out more than the other hip.
2. Baby’s hips clicks whenever you open and close their hips together or you feel that baby’s hips clunks in and out when you move baby’s legs.
3. Baby has uneven creases on the back of their thigh and uneven leg length. To check, place baby on their backs, bend their knees to place their feet together on the mat. Looking at the height of baby’s knees from the bottom of the bed, check if baby’s knees look unequal in height.
If you noticed any limited movement in baby’s hips, or baby’s hips clicks when moved or baby’s leg length are unequal, you need to have your baby checked by an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist as soon as possible. To speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists here at My Favourite Physio, ring
(02) 9790 4333 today. Book a Baby Hip Check today!
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