07 Dec 18 sleeps to Christmas!!!
If you have any little ones aged 2 to 10 years old, they are probably starting to get
excited with the thought of Santa
coming and the presents they will be getting after a whole year of being good!!
If you are a parent or grandparent, you are probably starting to panic if you haven’t even started your Christmas shopping!!! The Christmas tree and decorations aren’t up yet and the plan is to do it this weekend!!
If that sounds like you, then you need to take care when putting up your Christmas decorations this weekend! Nearly 5,000 Australians are admitted to hospital each year as a result of a ladder fall from putting up or taking down Christmas decorations,
with men over the age of 60 most at risk.
The common mistake that people make is thinking that they are safe because they are not standing very high off the ground.However, you don’t have to fall from a great height to injure yourself.
So look after yourself this Christmas by checking your ladder before you use it and ensuring it’s placed on solid even ground.Most importantly, don’t decorate alone! Make sure there’s someone nearby who can lend a hand and call for help if needed.
If you are currently nursing a sore back or neck from putting up your Christmas decorations, why not ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4232 and book an appointment with one of our Expert Physiotherapists to make sure that you are pain free and enjoying this holiday season with your family!
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