08 Dec Concerned that little one is not yet sitting, pulling to stand or walking
Been told by the GP
to wait until little one is 18 months old before doing anything
If you answered yes to the above statements, you are not alone. Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists see many families who come in concerned about their little one who is not yet walking. Often times, these parents have already been concerned for over 6 months or have noticed that baby
was delayed in their gross motor milestones of rolling, sitting, crawling or standing since 4 months old. However, they have been told by the GP, Paediatrician and various well meaning family and friends to stop worrying and just be patient because every child is different and little one will walk when they are ready. Parents are often told to wait until baby is 18 months old before seeing a Paediatric Physiotherapist to help their little one.
Recently, at My Favourite Physio, we saw a little one who was 20 months old and not yet walking. His parents were concerned that he would not stand by himself and was delayed in his gross motor skills. He was able to roll, sit, crawl, pull to stand and walk along the furniture, but he could not stand by himself and take steps. On assessment, we found that little one had low muscle tone which affected his core strength and balance to be able to stand and walk by himself.
We commenced a 6-week treatment plan of weekly Paediatric Physiotherapy working on his core strength, balance and coordination using our harnessed treadmill walking system and functional activity exercises. We are so excited to share that he achieved walking independently in 4 weeks! His parents were thrilled!
So if you are concerned about little one who is not yet walking or is delayed in their gross motor skills, don’t wait! Ring My Favourite Physio today on (02) 9790 4233 to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today!
Let us help your little one achieve their best potential today!
#babywalking #myfavouritephysio #earlyintervention #kidsphysio #paedsphysio #bankstown