06 Jan Just had a baby and wondering what exercises would promote their gross motor skills
Been told that Baby needs to do Tummy time but can’t keep baby in their Tummy to Play for more than 1minute
Here’s Top 3 Baby Toys to help baby enjoy Tummy Time and improve their gross motor skills
1. A play mat with bright colourful pictures and different textures for baby to explore is a great item to have. You can either purchase one from the stores or just throw a blanket on the floor and add your own toys.
2. Cause and Effect Toys that you can push a button to cause the block to spin or light up are great toys to get while baby is on their tummy to play. To make it easier for baby,
use a fat pillow or rolled towel under baby’s arms.
3. A standing Mirror Wedge that has brightly coloured borders is another great toy for baby, so baby can look at themselves while on their tummy to play. Place yourself behind baby so that baby can see you making faces or speaking in the mirror. Encourage baby to coo and babble into the mirror at themselves.
Place Baby to play on their tummy for Tummy Time twice a day, aim to spend 20 minutes at a time, and gradually increase it to 1 hour at a time. If you start Tummy Time right from Day 1, and do it daily, Baby will be able to tolerate 1 hour of Tummy Time in 4 weeks.
If you are concerned that your baby is not tolerating Tummy Time for more than 5 minutes, or if you have concerns about your baby’s gross motor skills, ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists
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