27 Jan Are you still experiencing ankle pain months after you sprained your ankle
Or perhaps you are experiencing ankle pain that is stopping you from training at your best in the gym
Or maybe your ankle pain is stopping you from getting back to running
If you answered yes to any of the above statements, then you are not alone in experiencing persistent ankle pain months after an ankle sprain.
Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists often see people with ankle pain who report of persistent ankle pain from an ankle sprain they had months ago, and we are able to help them successfully overcome their ankle pain to get back to active living
The 3 common mistakes that these people with ankle pain from an ankle sprain make is:
#1. Not seeking treatment for their ankle pain immediately after the sprain. This is because they thought that it’s just a sprain and they will recover from it. However, ankle sprain recovers best when treated early and immediately after the injury occurred.
#2. Stopping treatment for their ankle pain too early. This is because they feel that their ankle pain is better. However, ankle sprains can take 6 to 12 months
to fully recover back to the same strength and stability before the injury. Pain is not a good indicator of recovery Function is.
#3. Returning to activity or sports too early. This is because they feel that their ankle pain is reduced and so they can return to training in their sports.
However, early return to sports before an ankle sprain is fully recovered can cause re-injury to the ankle ligaments and repeated swelling and scar tissue forming in the ankle ligaments. It is best to check with your Expert Physiotherapist
before returning to sports!
If you have sprained your ankle before and are guilty of any of the mistakes above, COMMENT 1,2,3 BELOW.
If you are experiencing ankle pain and would love to overcome your ankle pain to get back to active living, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 to book an appointment with one of our Expert Physiotherapists