03 Feb Is your child enjoying recess time at school
Is your child enjoying recess time at school
When you ask your child how was their day in school, are they sharing about what they do at recess and lunch time
If you answered no to the above questions, then it’s important to ask your child more specific questions about what’s happening at school, at recess and at lunch time Who did they sit with for fruit break
who are they playing with at recess
What games did they play at lunchtime
Every often for children, school begins and ends in the school play ground rather than inside the classroom.
Friendships are made in the playground, social skills and confidence is developed while playing amongst the children at lunchtime. The school playground determines your child’s school experiences and memories more than the books
read or maths done in the classroom.
The one key factor that determines a positive or negative experience in the school playground is your child’s gross motor skills! Being able to run
without tripping and falling over, jump and play hopscotch or to throw and catch a handball will mean your child
is included in games at recess and lunchtime! More importantly, it means having friends at school rather than being excluded and bullied at school.
Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists help children with learning to walk, run, jump and hop so that they can participate confidently at recess and lunchtime at
school and outside of school! We often notice that school years are filled with great memories for a child who is coordinated and enjoys sports
, while a child who struggles with sports tends to experience negative experiences and memories at school.
If you are concerned that your child is “clumsy”, trips and falls over themselves often or if your child is spending recess and lunchtime by themselves at school, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists
today to find out how can we help your child enjoy recess and lunchtime more today!
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