10 Feb Are you foam rolling your muscles everyday and still feel that your muscles are tight and sore
Or perhaps you have heard about foam rolling and wonder if it will help your tight muscles
Many studies have been performed to determine the true effect and impact of foam rolling on muscles. Current research has shown that foam rolling can have 2 major effects on muscle.
1. Local effects
– Like massaging foam rolling has proven to increase blood flow into muscles and heat local tissues which may cause thicker tissue liquids to become less vicious giving relief in tension of the muscles.
However, it is noted that the force necessary to break up muscle knots likely to exceed the pressure from foam rolling to gain a big local effect. This is where physiotherapy and interventions such as Radial Shockwave Therapy is required.
2. Global effect
– Modulation of nervous system: foam rolling can suppress pain receptors and alter hormones that affect pain perception through parasympathetic nervous system activity.
– Muscle relaxation due to parasympathetic nervous system activity.
– Reduce pain and increase range at the knee and ankles.
The optimal repetition and frequency of foam rolling is not yet known.
So if you have tried foam rolling and found minimal success,it may be because you are unable to exert enough pressure using a foam roller to break down the muscle tightness or it might be that muscle tightness is building up constantly due to poor exercise form or work related posture. If that is the case, then it is time to see a Physiotherapist and find out if Radial Shockwave Therapy is suitable for you.
Here at My Favourite Physio our Expert physiotherapists use manual therapy and Radial Shockwave Therapy to effectively treat muscle pain and muscle tightness. Our Expert Physiotherapists will also provide a home exercise program
to help you maintain your gains and help self manage muscle tightness issues by fixing posture and exercise form. So stop putting up with muscle pain and tightness, ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 to book an appointment with one of our Expert Physiotherapists today!