10 Feb Have you hurt your back while gardening or cleaning the house
Are you resting in bed hoping that your Back Pain will go away soon
Did you know that staying active and avoiding Bedrest will actually help you recover from your Low Back
Pain faster
Research shows that prolong rest and avoiding activities for people with Low Back Pain actually leads to increased pain, greater disability, poorer recovery and longer absence from work. In the first few days of a new episode of Low Back
Pain, avoiding lifting or twisting movements can help relief your
pain. More importantly,do get out of bed and carry out your daily activities of living to maintain movement in your Lower Back. Research also shows that Physiotherapy
can be effective in helping you overcome your Low Back
Pain. See an Expert Physiotherapist early to overcome your Low Back
Pain faster!
So if you are struggling with Low Back Pain and want to get back to Pain
Free Active Living, ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 and book an appointment with one of our Expert Physiotherapists
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