17 Feb 15th February is International Childhood Cancer Day.
The Focus in 2022 continues to be ‘Better Survival’ is achievable #throughyourhands with a focus on paying tribute to the medical team and health care workers
and the positive impact they have on the lives of children
and adolescents with cancer and vice versa. Childhood cancer can be cured and the well-being of survivors achieved if all stakeholders continue acting resolutely together in key areas.
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death among children and adolescents worldwide; approximately 280,000 children ages 0-19 are diagnosed with cancer each year. In Latin America and the Caribbean, it is estimated that at least 29,000 children and adolescents under the age of 19 will be affected by cancer annually. Of these, about 10,000 will die from this disease. In high-income countries, more than 80% of children with cancer are cured, but in many low- and middle-income countries, the cure rate is about 20%.
The impact of childhood cancer translates into years of life lost, more significant inequalities, and economic difficulties. This situation can and should change.
The Target Goal of the WHO Global Childhood Cancer Initiative is to eliminate all pain and suffering of children fighting cancer and achieve at least 60% survival for all children diagnosed with cancer around the world by 2030.
This represents an approximate doubling of the current cure rate and will save an additional one million children’s lives over the next decade.
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because one death is too many. To show your support for #throughyourhands, go to https://iccd.care/en-us/handprint
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