10 Mar Have you noticed that your child’s legs look knocked kneed when they are walking
Have you noticed that your child’s legs look knocked kneed when they are walking
. Many parents express concerns that their child
has knock knees and tend to look like a “duck” running with their feet flying out behind them and arms flapping, especially when they are about 3 years old. Sometimes parents think that their child’s
knocked knees is causing them to trip when they run.
However, did you know that it is part of normal development that the thigh bone and shin bones rotate on themselves so that from the age of 2.5 years old a child’s knees will move from being straight to slightly knocked knees and can appear slightly knocked knees until 7 years old. After 7 years old, a child’s
knees will straighten and the thigh bone and shin bones should look aligned and straight.
It is important to note that throughout development, your child’s legs should always look equally knocked knees and one leg shouldn’t be more turned in than the other, Your child’s knees shouldn’t be so knocked knee that you notice that they are walking on the inside edge of their feet.
Your child shouldn’t be so knocked kneed that they are tripping and falling when they run because their knees cross in front of each other or because their feet turns inwards and trips each other.
If you are concerned about your child’s legs, why not reach out to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists at My Favourite Physio and book for a FREE 15 minute phone
consult on (02) 9790 4233.
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#childdevelopment #walkingchild
#babyphysio #paedsphysio
#earlyintervention #physio
#bankstown #childwalking