24 Mar Been told that you have a frozen shoulder
Been told that you have a frozen shoulder
Unable to function properly because of your shoulder
Been told to just put up with your stiff shoulder as there is no fix
Frozen shoulder is a term commonly misused by health professionals for shoulders that become stiff and painful. The greatest problem with misdiagnosing a painful stiff shoulder
as a frozen shoulder is that patients are commonly told that there is nothing that can be done for a frozen
shoulder to fix it, and so they must just put up with the pain and stiffness.
It is important to know that in reality not all stiff and painful shoulders are “frozen shoulders” and that there is no hope left for your stiff painful shoulder.
Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists using a 3 Step Pain Free Shoulder Assessment, often find that many “frozen
shoulders” are misdiagnosed painful stiff shoulders that are only a grumpy rotator cuff muscle problem that is causing a stiff and painful shoulder.
The Great News is that a grumpy rotator cuff muscle problem can be effectively treated and improvements can be made within the first treatment session!
This is where an Expert Physiotherapist’s
experienced assessment and diagnosing skills is key to successful outcomes and patient education.
In the case of a true frozen shoulder, research indicates that there is limited effective treatment to overcome a frozen shoulder!
However, research show that within the first 3 months of a frozen
shoulder, the right treatment can lead to decreased shoulder pain and stiffness, and increased shoulder range of movement.
This in turn, results in an improved quality of life for a patient because they can now function better and participate painfree at work, in their social life and activities of daily living.
So if you are struggling with a recent stiff and painful shoulder or if you want a second opinion of your “frozen
shoulder”, ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our expert physiotherapists
#shoulderpain #myfavouritephysio #frozenshoulder #physio #physiotherapy #bankstown