24 Mar Experiencing Shoulder Pain
Experiencing Shoulder Pain
Been told that you have a tear in your shoulder muscle
Been told that you might need to have surgery to repair the torn shoulder muscle
Before you worry further and put yourself under the knife – consider the research on shoulder muscle tears and surgery. If you are
60 years old and above, studies have shown that the best outcomes for shoulder
pain because of a shoulder muscle tear is conservative treatment like Physiotherapy. Research also shows that 50% of 70 year olds
have full thickness tear of their shoulder muscle and many do not complain of any pain and often are unaware of it. This highlights that shoulder tears are not always required to be fixed as it will not cause any pain or discomfort!
At My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists see many people who have shoulder pain including partial and full thickness tears of the shoulder muscle, and we get great outcomes for our clients. We can help you overcome your shoulder
pain and regain movement in your shoulder as well as help you to strengthen your other shoulder muscles to allow you to get back to pain
free active living.
So if you are experiencing shoulder pain, why not ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to book an appointment with one of our Expert Physiotherapists
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