14 Apr Concerned that your child is delayed in achieving their gross motor skills milestones
Concerned that your child is delayed in achieving their gross motor skills milestones
Have you been told that you are over reacting about your child. And every child is different, your child
will eventually get up and walk in their time.
If you answered yes to the above statements, then you are not alone! Many parents report that they have concerns about their child’s gross motor skills for 4 months or more before they see a Paediatric Physiotherapist.
One of the common reasons why parents waited is because their families, friends, doctors and specialists
told them that there is nothing to worry about their child until after 2 years old!
But such advice is based on an individual’s personal experience and not on assessments of normal developmental charts. The impact of such bias personal opinions, is that a child misses out on Early intervention. Time is lost
while parents wait and watch, hoping that their child will start to roll or sit or crawl. The delay in learning to roll, sit, crawl and walk can result in delayed balance and poor coordination skills at school age. This can result in decreased social participation in the school playground and bullying.
Instead, every concern that a parent has about their child should be addressed using Objective Assessment tools. Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists
uses standardised Assessments in every Initial Paediatric Consult, so that we can confidently tell you if your child’s gross motor skills are within normal development or not. And if your child has delayed gross motor skills, we are able to provide an Intervention Program to help your child learn the gross motor skills that they need.
So if you are concerned about your child’s gross motor skills, ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Paediatric Physiotherapists
to find out how we can help your child be the best that they can be!
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