28 Apr Have you been told that your baby may have difficulties because of the traumatic birth they experienced
Have you been told that your baby may have difficulties because of the traumatic birth they experienced
Did your baby have to spend some time in PICU or Special Nursery immediately after birth
Sometimes the birthing experience does not turn out the way you might have planned and baby experienced a traumatic birth where they required some time in PICU or Special Nursery. Some families may not be aware that baby has any problems until 6 to 8 months later when they notice that baby is not yet rolling or sitting by themselves.
At this point, parents will often seek advice from their family doctors and even Paediatricians who may tell them to wait and see how baby is until they are 12 months old or even 2 years old. During this period many parents would continue to feel concerns
for their baby as they notice that with time, babies still not yet progressing with their gross motor skills.
Eventually, parents find their way to our clinic here at My Favourite Physio, and baby is assessed by one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists. For families who come when their child is 6-8 months old, often we are able to take advantage of baby’s young age and brain plasticity to achieve great outcomes for them. Our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists would often work towards helping baby walk independently by 18 months old.
For families who present to our clinic with their child over 3 years old, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists will still work with families towards helping their child achieve their best potential. Brain Plasticity
which is the brain’s ability to change and learn new skills is peak in the first 5 years. That is why Early Intervention for children under 5 years old is effective and very crucial for promoting your child’s development.
So if you are concerned about your baby who has experienced a traumatic unexpected arrival into the world, be assured that this does not mean that your child will have to settled for experiencing difficulties with gross motor skills for life. Early intervention is key. Ring My Favourite Physio today
on (02) 9790 4233 to find out how our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists can help your child.