19 May How often do you reach out for a paracetamol to relieve your Headaches
How often do you reach out for a paracetamol to relieve your Headaches
Maybe you never leave home without a packet of painkillers in your bag because you never know when a headache will strike?
Did you know that you can get Headache relief effectively without medications Research now shows that the main cause of Headaches and Migraines is an oversensitized brainstem
, which means that signals from the neck going up to the brainstem and signals from the head going down to the brainstem are all being interpreted by the over sensitive brainstem as Pain signals resulting in Headaches and Migraines
Research has shown that using the Watson Headache Approach method to treat joint stiffness in the neck results in effective reproduction and reduction of Headaches and Migraines
Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists are trained in the Watson Headache Approach to effectively treat Headaches and Migraines.
So if you would like to experience first hand what it means to be free of Headaches and Migraines, or to be able to leave home without paracetamols in your bag
, or to feel lighter in your neck and shoulders free of the heavy tension in the base of your head, Reach out to one of our Expert Physiotherapists today on
(02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio. Find out how we can help you overcome your Headaches and Migraines
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