27 May Feeling frustrated with behavioural tantrums?
Feeling frustrated with behavioural tantrums? Starting to think that behavioural tantrums, hitting and screaming is just going to be part of daily life when a child doesn’t get their way? Hoping that the “terrible twos” will finally go away at four?
Babies instinctively cry to express their needs, and often their needs are then met as we understand if a cry is a sign of hunger, tiredness or a need to have a nappy change. As a baby grows, Speech and language skills are encouraged, taught and learned. So communication evolves from crying sounds to words and signing. What happens when a child
has speech and language delays is that they cannot effectively be understood by others, so frustrations build up inside them and the only way they can communicate is to cry and scream louder
and sometimes even hitting others or themselves. As parents, we have no idea what our child wants and so we try guessing what they want, eventually we will manage to offer them the thing they wanted at the point where their tantrum is at its worse. And inevitably, we have positively rewarded the behavioural tantrum. So the next time, the screaming and hitting starts earlier as the first method of communication for the child. This cycle of behavioural tantrums
as a means of communication becomes a vicious cycle and the way to get what a child wants or to avoid doing anything they don’t want to.
Here at My Favourite Physio, our goal is to help babies and children achieve their gross motor skills to learn to roll, sit, crawl, stand, walk, run, jump, hop and skip. Often we see babies and children who have speech and language delays and use behavioural tantrums to communicate because they don’t know any other options. To help these little ones learn to communicate and to learn new skills, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists
first establish boundaries and communication skills using the principles of 1,2,3 Magic. Once consistent communications are established, learning begins!
To find out how we can help your , ring My Favourite Physio on (02)9790 4233 today!
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