09 Jun Did you know that babies should be pulling to stand on the furniture by 11-12 months old
Did you know that babies should be pulling to stand on the furniture by 11-12 months old
Babies are not yet able to put weight through their legs to stand on their feet with support on a furniture by 6 months old, are likely to be delayed in their gross motor skills.
In fact most typically developing babies will be able to start to push through their feet to take some weight when held in supported standing at as young as 1 month old. By 4 months old, babies should be able to hold their head in line with their body and hips behind shoulders and put weight through their feet in supported standing.
By 6 months old, babies will be able to hold their head and shoulders in line with their hips and take their weight through their feet when supported in standing. At 6 months old, babies
will also be able to bend their knees in supported standing to shift their weight from feet to feet. By 8-9 months old, babies will happily take their weight on their feet and shift weight to try to take steps when supported in standing. By 11-12 months old, babies
will be able to stand at a furniture confidently to play, and many will be able to pull themselves up to stand
from kneeling.
Babies who do not put weight through their feet tend to prefer to sit and eventually adapt by bottom shuffling to get around to explore. Sometimes babies who do not put weight through their feet have low muscle tone, or have feet
that turn in or turn out so that they are not able to place their feet flat on the ground to stand. Early intervention with an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist can help baby to learn to strengthen their muscles,
or to correct their feet position to allow them to learn to stand on their feet properly.
If you are concerned that Your baby is yet able to put weight through their feet to stand, why not speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist today? Ring
My Favourite Physio on (02) 9700 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to book a 15min free phone consult with one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist.
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