09 Jun Has your Child just been given a diagnosis for her developmental delay?
Has your Child just been given a diagnosis for her developmental delay?Did your child’s medical team
tell you what her disabilities and weaknesses will look like
Did they also tell you what her abilities and strengths are
Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists meet many families and children with Special Needs each day who come to see us to help their child learn to move better. One of questions we ask parents when we assess a child is “What would you like to see your child achieve with Physiotherapy?”
Often most parents would state that they would like to see their child sit by themselves or walk independently, which are great goals for Physiotherapy. However, many do not have a clear timeline as to when they would like to see that goal being achieved. Even fewer families have a longer term goal as to where they would like their child be achieving at school age or beyond.
Picturing a child’s future beyond the first few years of life often isn’t something most families have even considered especially with respect to a child with special needs. However, here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists
will always consider the possibilities the future holds for each child we see. This includes thinking about the functional skills they will require in life as an adult and their quality of life. Then we would reverse engineer what we need to do now to allow each child to fulfil their full potential in life.
Translating this into practice means that we work toward helping a child to roll, sit, crawl and walk independently with or without aids, as well as proactively promote healthy hip and spine development. This also means we teach each child to communicate with eye contact and encourage them to vocalise to promote their speech and language skills development when at Physiotherapy.
So if you have a child with special needs and you want them to fulfil their best potential, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists. Find out how we can help your child today!