09 Jun Have you been told that your child has Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Have you been told that your child has Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Hoping that your child
can go to mainstream school so that they can go to school with their other siblings
Here at My Favourite Physio, a few years ago, we met a family with a little boy who was 2 years old and recently diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. He had limited eye contact and speech and language skills. He demonstrated echolalia, where he would say words or phrases from other people or from videos he had watched. He walked on his tip toes and flapped his arms a lot, often wandering from task to task, unable to focus and engage in any one task for more than a few minutes.
At his initial assessment with our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists, we asked his parents what would they like to see him achieve at 5 years old?
Where would they like to see him go to school at? His parents stated that they wanted him in the same mainstream school
as his other siblings. So we designed a therapy program to help this little boy improve his eye contact, attention span, verbal language skills, core strength, balance, coordination, gross motor skills and fine motor skills.
Now at 5 years old, this little boy has just been assessed by the Child Developmental Paediatric Team in preparation for school. The team of Paediatric Specialists have determined that his gross motor skills, fine motor skills, speech and language skills are all age appropriate. As such, it is recommended that he attends mainstream school and not a special needs school. His parents were thrilled because they have seen his transformation over the past 3 years but also because they now can see a bright future for their little one!
So if you have been told that your child with Autistic Spectrum Disorder may not be able to attend mainstream schools in the future, what you need to do is to have your child assessed by one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists as soon as possible. The key to success Intensive Early Intervention Physiotherapy Program. Reach out to My Favourite Physio on
(02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to find out how we can help your child today!