06 Jul Success Story : Dead Arm Feeling and Neck Pain Resolved In 2 Weeks
Success Story : Dead Arm Feeling and Neck Pain Resolved In 2 Weeks
Experiencing neck pain that goes into your arm giving you that “dead arm” feeling
Does your shoulder pain wake you from sleep at night
Shoulder pain affects almost 25% of the population in Australia, with a significant detrimental impact on health-related quality of life and physical functioning. Common complaints include pain in and around the shoulder joint
and up into the neck, numbness in the arm that wakes people up at night, loss of shoulder of movement and loss of functional capacity for above shoulder height activities which impact on work duties.
Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists see many people who come in complaining of shoulder pain each week and are able to help them overcome their shoulder pain to get them back to active pain free living.
Recently, we met a young man in his thirties who reported having neck pain and shoulder pain which goes down his arm and gives him a “dead arm” feeling that stops him from having a good night’s sleep.
We carried out our Signature 3 Step Shoulder Pain Free Assessment and determined that he had increased stiffness in his neck joints, increased muscle tightness in his neck and shoulder muscles, inflammation in his Biceps and Triceps muscles in the front and back of his shoulder which were contributing to increased swelling in the shoulder joint that compressed the nerves going down his arm. Once we correctly
diagnosed the cause of his “dead arm” feeling, we used Joint Mobilisations, Radial Shockwave Therapy, Soft Tissue Massage, K-Taping, Shoulder Re-Training Exercises to effectively treat his neck and shoulder pain. In a matter of 2 weeks, this young man reported no more shoulder and neck pain, no more “dead arm” feeling in his arm that stopped him from having a good night’s sleep!
So if you are experiencing shoulder pain, neck pain or that “dead arm” feeling, don’t put up with it any longer, Ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to find out how we can help you overcome your shoulder and neck pain so that you can wake up pain free and refreshed each morning!