20 Jul Been told to straighten up when you stand
Been told straighten up when you stand
but no one ever told you what straighten up looks like
Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists see many people with Neck pain and Back
pain. One of the common cause for these conditions is poor posture. As part our treatment program, our Expert Physiotherapists
carry out an individualised assessment of posture and design an exercise program to help each person correct and improve their posture.
This then results long term improvement and resolution of Neck and Back
To help you improve your posture and prevent or reduce neck and pack pain; here are the General Guidelines to Good Posture in Standing:
1. Starting with Posture of your Head and Neck
Lengthen your neck tucking your chin gently in ensuring your cheek bone are over your collar bones. Your ear should be in line to your shoulder.
2. Posture of the Shoulder girdle
Standing tall, gently open up across your collar bones. Keeping your shoulders relaxed. Maintain shoulder in line with your ear.
3. Posture of your Rib cage/ Chest
Gently lift your rib cage away from your waistline lengthening your abdominal muscles. Maintain ear and shoulder alignment.
4. Posture of your Pelvis
Pull in your lower stomach muscles to maintain a natural curve in your lower back. Now your hip, shoulder and ear are in line.
5. Posture of your Feet
Maintain equal weight through your feet, distribute the weight through your heels and forefeet. Keep your legs hip width apart and straight but knees relaxed.
Now you should be standing straight like the picture on the right!
Follow these guidelines to improve your posture in standing and overcome your neck and back pain!
If you are experiencing neck or back pain, and would love some help to get back to active painfree living, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists today! Using a 3 Step Pain Free System, we are able to determine the cause of your pain, design an individualised treatment program to help you gain long term results.
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