10 Aug Ankle sprains are common injuries that occur in the general population.
Ankle sprains are common injuries that occur in the general population. The incidence of ankle sprains is highest when you are playing sports.
The problem with ankle sprains is that often poor follow through in a rehabilitation program and poor management in the acute phase of an ankle sprain
leads to poor outcomes and a higher chance of injury recurrence.
The most important thing to do after sustaining an ankle sprain is to follow the RICE protocol. RICE stands for rest, ice, compress and elevate.
Rest means offloading and resting the sprained ankle. You should avoid weight bearing and repetitively stressing your sprained ankle as it can further aggravate symptoms and delay it healing.
Ice should be used to reduce any inflammation occurring immediately after the injury.
Compression is used to minimise and reduce and swelling occurring in the ankle.
And finally, Elevation of the ankle is essential to minimise and reduce swelling occurring in the injured ankle.
The RICE protocol should be used within the first 72 hours and may be required for longer depending on the severity of the injury. So, if you have sustained an ankle sprain start the RICE protocol now and get in to see one of our Expert Physiotherapists today so that you can start your rehabilitation program right away! To book an appointment, ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio
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