17 Aug Got a new born baby who seems to be so irritable and crying all the time
Got a new born baby who seems to be so irritable and crying all the time
Does your new born baby scream and cry to the point that they are arching their back and unconsolable
Starting to feel like your newborn baby doesn’t like you
If you answered YES to any of the above statements, be assured that you are not alone.
Here are 3 Common Reasons why a baby may be crying and screaming all the time
1. Baby may have reflux.
These babies tend to scream and arch a lot 30 minutes after feeds and sometimes they actually bat away their bottle because they associate it with the painful feeling of reflux after feeds. These babies are often vomiting and screaming and arching whenever you place them on their tummy for Tummy Time. If that sounds like your baby, speak to your Paediatrician about it. You may need to take a video of your baby when they are screaming and arching to show your Paediatrician.
2. Baby may be overtired.
It is important to be able to recognise the different types of cries that your baby is making. The does take time as you get to know your baby. Often times, when baby is tired, they would be making an “aa, aa, aa” type of cry to indicate that they are tired. It sounds like they are talking to themselves to sleep. This may sometimes be misunderstood as baby is trying to talk and play, so carers will stimulate baby and then minutes later, baby is so overtired, they screaming and are very hard to settle. So when baby starts to “talk to themselves”, wrap them up and put them to bed.
3. Baby does not have words to express what they want.
Babies start with crying to communicate their needs, and initially it’s a guessing game for new parents. Over time, you will learn to recognise their cries, establish routines for feeds and sleeps which will make it easier to understand each other’s needs. To help baby learn to communicate without screaming, always pat your little one to settle before picking them up.
If you are concerned about your baby and would like to speak to one our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists, ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio.