25 Aug Case Studies: Learning new skills
Case Studies: Learning new skills
Here at my Favourite Physio, we love to take a moment to celebrate achievements! Recently, several of the children who with have been working with have managed to achieve new skills.
4 year old Miss N, who has mild Cerebral Palsy has learnt to hop on one leg! She is able to hop using either leg effectively, so she can easily play hopscotch with her friends at pre-school!
6 year old Master C, who has Ataxia has mastered galloping with either leg! He is currently learning to skip with alternate legs. His aim is to learn to jump with a skipping rope so he can jump rope with his friends at school.
5 year old Miss K, who has mild Cerebral Palsy has learnt to jump on and off a Bosu ball with two feet together!
When she started physiotherapy 9 months ago, she was tripping over her own feet and was not able to hop on one leg!
These achievements may sound like small steps, but we know that each of these children worked very hard to master these skills. Congratulations on your achievements and we are very proud of you all!
If your child is struggling with gross motor skills and keeping up with their peers, ring us on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to find out how our Paediatric Physiotherapist can help your child learn new skills today!
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