20 Oct Have you had a Wellness Health Check with your Family Doctor recently
Have you had a Wellness Health Check with your Family Doctor recently
Have you been putting up with aches and pains because you think that it’s part of aging
It’s amazing how often people put up with “little niggles” and think it’s just a sign of old age
and there’s nothing wrong because we don’t feel “unwell”.
Did you know that there are many conditions that are known as “silent killers” because they often creep up and worsen without showing visible signs, striking and killing before the affected person even knows that they’re sick.
Sometimes the symptoms of a “silent killer” are misunderstood or attributed to other causes such as aging. Examples of “silent killers” include Heart Diease, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancer, Hepatitis, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Fatty Liver Disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Deep Vein Thrombosis!
This is why regular Wellness Health Checks are important especially as we get older. The aim of a health check is to help find, prevent or lessen the effect of health issues. It’s like getting your car serviced before it breaks down. It’s better to avoid disease than to treat it. Although some checks can be uncomfortable,
they provide your GP or specialist with an opportunity to look at your lifestyle, medical history and family history to find out if you’re at risk.
Having a regular doctor or practice has several advantages. Most importantly, you will build a relationship over time and are more likely to feel comfortable talking openly.
Also, your doctor will get to know you and understand your health needs and concerns. By having a regular doctor or practice, your medical history stays in the one place, and is more likely to be kept up to date.
So when did you last have a Wellness Health Check with your Family Doctor? If you haven’t had a Wellness Health Check for while, ring your Family Doctor to make an appointment for one today!
Like and share this post with your family and friends, let’s help our loved ones make time to look after their Health!
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