24 Nov Been experiencing chronic migraines
Been experiencing chronic migraines
Feel like your migraines are coming from your stiff neck
Tried treating the neck before only to get poor outcomes for your migraines
If that sounds like you, this post will explain why the neck treatment led to poor outcomes for your migraines
For effective outcomes and relief of your migraines, the assessment of the neck and migraines symptoms must be carried out by a therapist who is specially trained in Headache and Migraines Management. An Expert Therapist is someone who is well aware of the anatomy and movement of the neck and how they impact on the brainstem to bring on migraine symptoms.
Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists often hear clients report that they have had their neck assessed and treated to “help their migraine symptoms but it made things worse”. The reason behind this is usually because either the treatment was too much for the person to tolerate
(ie too much force or movement exerted on the neck joints and muscles), or that the treatment was carried out incorrectly (ie. therapist was pushing on the left side of the neck joint instead of pushing on the right side of the neck joint).
Assessing the neck joints for migraines requires a subtle and unique approach. It is NOT like any soft tissue massage or cracking of joints used for neck injury management.This technique is called the Watson Headache Approach to Headaches and Migraines.
The Watson Headache Approach for Headaches and Migraines is a method of diagnosing and treating headaches and migraines, developed in Australia over 25 years ago by renowned headache researcher and clinician, Dr Dean Watson. The techniques used in the Watson Headache Approach for Headaches and Migraines are very gentle, using mild sustained pressure to the neck joints in order to diagnose and successfully treat headache and migraine conditions.
To make an appointment to see one of our Watson Headache Approach trained Expert Physiotherapists, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio today! Overcome your Migraines today and get back to active living!