24 Nov Have you noticed that your child seems to roll their foot in when they walk
Have you noticed that your child seems to roll their foot
in when they walk
Wondering if your child would benefit from orthotics or not
Perhaps you did get some orthotics for your child and now you are fighting
with them everyday to keep them on!
Before you go out to get some orthotics or continue fighting
each day with your child about wearing their orthotics, consider the following points.
#1. What is the main concern about your child’s feet
Are they falling over repeatedly because their feet turns in or out and trips them up when they walk or run.
Or are they complaining of foot pain when they have had a busy day running or playing sports
Depending on what your concerns are orthotics may or may not be the solution for your child. The best thing to do is to have your child assessed by an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist to ensure that the right diagnosis and treatment plan is carried out for your child.
#2. If you already have orthotics first your child but they are refusing to wear it, why is that so
Is it because your child actually feels more pain when wearing their orthotics
When was the last time your child’s orthotics were reviewed
Did you know that if orthotics are doing what they should be doing, your child should be feeling better for wearing them. Your child should be reporting less pain or no pain at all when wearing their orthotics. The rolling in of the feet or tripping should stop or reduce significantly. If they hate their orthotics, then it’s perhaps time to have your child reassessed to see if orthotics are what they really need.
Lastly don’t forget, as your child grows, their orthotics needs to be reviewed and changed to accommodate their growth at least every 12 months
or less.
So if you are wondering if you should be getting your child orthotics or not, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists
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