24 Nov Wondering if stress is causing your headaches
Wondering if stress is causing your headaches
Have you been told that you need a sea change because your lifestyle is too stressful and the cause of your Headaches and Migraines
Did you try changing your jobs to reduce your stress levels but the headaches and migraines haven’t reduced
Often when Headache and Migraines Sufferers have undergone every investigation possible and every investigation is normal with no medical cause for their Headaches and Migraines found,
then they are told the reason must be due to stress!
Which results in some people changing jobs or relocating to reduce their stress levels in hope of stopping their Headaches and Migraines. Unfortunately these drastic moves do not lead to changes in their Headaches and Migraines.
So it is important to note that when stress and headaches/migraines are being discussed, that stress is only a trigger for headaches rather than the actual cause of headaches! If stress was the true cause of Headaches and Migraines, then everyone would be experiencing headaches and migraines in times of stress but thankfully this is obviously not the case!
So then what is the true cause of headaches and migraines There can be various contributing triggers for headacheS and migraines, however the actual cause of headaches are often due to the dysfunction in the first 3 points of the neck when no other sinister cauae is found.
Here is My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists are trained in the assessment and treatment of Headaches and Migraines. By using a special headache approach, we can successfully determine if the first 3 joints of the neck is the cause of your headaches and migraines . And using this special approach our Expert Physiotherapists
are often able to reproduce and resolve your headaches within the one session.
To overcome your Headaches or migraines, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to book an appointment with one of our Headache and Migraine trained Expert physiotherapists today!
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