25 Jan Is your child unable to raise their arm up because of their shoulder pain
Is your child unable to raise their arm up because of their shoulder pain
Does your child complain of their shoulder feeling stiff
Does your child complain of one of their shoulders feeling weaker than the other
If you have answered yes to any of the above statements, then your child may have shoulder blade movement dysfunction in their shoulders!
Shoulder blade movement dysfunction leads to poor control and quality of movement in the shoulder joint resulting in shoulder pain,
loss in shoulder movement and weakness due to poor control and activation of the shoulder muscles.
The correct movement of the shoulder blade is vital for the functioning of the shoulder joint. When we raise our arm up, ideally the shoulder blade must rotate upwards with good control to allow the shoulder joint to move through the full 170-180 degrees of movement.
And when we lower our arm back down to our side, the shoulder blade must rotate downwards with good control to allow the shoulder joint to move smoothly through the full range of movement.
If there is a limitation in movement or poor control of the shoulder blade, other muscles can compensate leading to increase in Shoulder pain and muscles tightness. Shoulder blade movement dysfunction can cause narrowing of the space between the collar bone and shoulder pain which pinches the shoulder tendons leading to irritation and inflammation of the tendons and bursa.
Resulting in sharp shooting pain in the shoulder as you raise your arm up to about 90 degrees, weakness and loss of movement In the shoulder.
The key to overcoming shoulder pain caused by shoulder blade movement dysfunction is correct rehabilitation of the shoulder blade position and control through the full range of shoulder movement!
So if your child is experiencing shoulder pain and have been getting poor outcomes with treatment, they need to have their shoulder blades checked out! Ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to make an appointment with one of our Expert Physiotherapists, let us help your child overcome their shoulder pain today!