🥳is your little one celebrating their first birthday soon? 🤔Wondering what’s a great gift to get your grandchild for their first birthday?

🎂Turning 1 is such a wonderful milestone and an occasion worth celebrating! Along with the party preparations and invites, is the question of what gifts to get your precious one year old.

As Paediatric Physiotherapists, we are often asked is “What’s a good present for my 1 year old?” And because we are always thinking about gross motor skills and promoting a child’s development, here are our Top 3 gift ideas for a 1 year old child:

1. A Ride On Toy Car🚗
We love ride on toy cars where a little one can straddle across the seat and learn to push themselves along with their legs. This allows little ones to learn to push one leg alternately to the other, so they learn to strengthen their leg muscles while learning to coordinate their legs with their trunks upright. This is great for little ones who are not yet walking by themselves, but also great for little ones who can walk by themselves as it prepares them for the next skill of bike riding in the next 12 months.

2. Push Along Walker🚶‍♂️
Push along walkers are great for little ones to give them more opportunity to practice pull to stand to walk around a room. So if your little one is able to cruise around the furniture but not yet taking steps by themselves, a push along walker will help your child explore across the room instead of crawling across the room.

3. Standing Play Kitchen/Tool Workshop👩‍🍳
Imaginary play with a kitchen set or tool workshop is a great opportunity to have little ones learn pull to stand and standing balance as they play. These play sets also encourage imaginary and social play that is crucial for their development in the next 24 months.

Happy Shopping!

And if you are concerned about your child’s gross motor skills, ring My Favourite Physio📱 on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio. Let us help your little one achieve their best potential today!💪

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