😳Noticed that your baby has a flat spot on the back of their head 🤔Wondering what can you do to improve your baby’s flatten head shape?

👶🏻Positional Plagiocephaly is a condition characterised by the flattening of one side of a baby’s head. This often happens when babies spend too much time lying on their backs during sleep or resting in the same position during awake time.

To prevent or improve Positional Plagiocephaly, here are 3 Strategies our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists would recommend to families:

👶🏻1.Change baby’s position regularly
Babies will tend to always roll onto that flat spot on the back of their head when lying on their back. To reduce the time spent on the flat spot, we encourage parents to place baby into different positions like side lying or side sitting to play, sitting on a high chair, or reclined on a baby bouncer.

👶🏻2. Strengthen baby’s neck muscle
Along with a flatten spot on the back of their head, these babies tend to also have a tight neck muscle which limits their neck movements stopping them from turning away from the flat spot on the back of their head. As such, we recommend families to do Tummy Time with babies 1 hour, twice a day. Being on their tummy will reduce the time spent on their back as well as and pressure on the the flattened spot on the back of their head.

👶🏻3. Reduce time baby spends lying on their back
For baby’s safety and prevention of SIDS, babies have to sleep on their back. However, when babies are traveling out and about, they do not need to be lying on their back in a pram. We recommend that families place baby in a pram without the bassinet attachment which would allow baby to be reclined rather than flat on their back in the pram seat.

If you are concerned about baby’s head shape or you notice baby tends to look to one side more than the other, ring My Favourite Physio on 📱(02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to find out how we can help correct your baby’s head shape today!

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