😬Is your little one over 12 months old bum shuffling and not yet crawling 😭Is your little one crying to be picked up all the time because they are not yet able to crawl or walk 😣Are you getting back pain from carrying your little one all the time because they are now over 18 months old.

Often times, parents wonder 🤔how did things get to this stage where their child is screaming to be carried all the time.
Here are 3 common mistakes that parents make, over time, which results in a situation where they find themselves in.

🙅‍♀️Mistake #1
Assuming that babies don’t need to learn to crawl and so they allow their little one to bum shuffle to get around the house. As a result, baby does not know how to get in and out of sitting, which limits their ability to be exploring their environment. However, baby would not be able to bum shuffle outdoors, and so they scream to be carried when outside the home.

🙅‍♀️Mistake #2
Picking baby up every time they scream and cry to be carried. By doing so, parents reinforce to babies that screaming and crying is how they communicate their need to be picked up. As a result, to make their parents pick them up immediately, babies scream louder and harder, mush faster.

🙅‍♀️Mistake #3
Assuming that baby would simply get up from the floor and walk when they are ready. In reality, baby has not learnt to move in and out of sitting to crawl or to pull to stand. So it is unlikely that baby will be able to get up and walk without some assistance from and experienced Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist.

So if your little one is constantly screaming to be picked up and you would prefer they learn the skills to move in and out of sitting to crawl or walk by themselves, ring My Favourite Physio 📱now on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio and speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓today! Let us help your child achieve their best potential today!

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