😖Is your child experiencing shoulder pain 😬Been told that your child has poor posture that is causing their shoulder pain 🥴Tried telling your child to pull their shoulders back and sit upright but it’s not working

🧐Did you know that the shoulder is the complex joint in the body and poor posture can have a significant impact on the shoulder joint. With the advance of technology and the increased use of mobile devices amongst children and teenagers at school, there has been an increase in incidence of neck and shoulder pain in this age group.

3 Top Common Problems With Poor Posture
1.Muscle Imbalances:
Poor posture often involves rounded shoulders and a forward head position. This places excessive stress on the muscles in the front of the shoulder and chest while weakening the muscles in the upper back and the posterior shoulder. Over time, this can lead to muscle imbalances and create tension in the shoulder joint.

2. Neck and Upper Back Pain:
Poor posture often involves a forward head position, which can cause strain on the neck and upper back. This pain can radiate into the shoulders, exacerbating discomfort in the shoulder joint.

3. Reduced Range of Motion:
Over time, poor posture can lead to reduced mobility in the shoulder joint. When the surrounding muscles and soft tissues are not in their optimal positions, it can be challenging to move the shoulder through its full range of motion.

So if your child is complaining of shoulder pain, Don’t wait until their start to experience neck pain or their shoulder becomes stiff and they lose movement. Ring My Favourite Physio 📱on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓 today to find out how we can help your child to overcome their Shoulder Pain today!

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