😬Is your child going backwards in the Baby Walker 😳Have you noticed that your child is pushing through their tip toes to move forwards or backwards in the Baby Walker

Baby Walkers have traditionally been sold as a device that can help babies learn to walk, however, the truth is the use of Baby Walkers has been a subject of debate due to safety concerns.
The main safety issues include:

🥺1. The risk of falls down stairs or other elevated surfaces.
An Australia study showed that Baby Walker Injuries accounted for 46% of Emergency room admissions, with 7.5% of those admissions a result of baby falling down stairs while in the Baby Walker.

🤕2.The potential for the baby to collide with objects or furniture.
Baby Walkers do not have any breaking system as such, when babies are moving forward or backwards, depending on the ground surface and slope of the ground, a baby could run down a corridor or down an inclined driveway at high speed with dangerous outcomes.

🥵3. The risk of baby reaching for hazardous items
An Australia study on the dangers of Baby Walker reported 46% of Baby Walker accidents as a result of “proximity”. Examples of the types of injuries in the “proximity” included an 8-month-old baby in a walker pulled the cord of a deep fryer and was splashed with oil, sustaining full-thickness burns to chest, abdomen and upper arms.

😳4. The potential for delaying baby’s gross motor skills and the risk of improper leg development.
Baby walkers place a child in an atypical standing position, inadvertently promoting external rotation and pointed toes, which is why babies tend to push themselves backwards to move. When they do grow tall enough to push themselves forward, it is often done by pushing through their toes resulting in abnormal walking pattern and impacting typical muscle development.

If your baby is using a Baby Walker, it is time to get rid of it! If you are concerned about your baby’s gross motor skills or foot posture, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio 📱to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓today!

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