😬Have you noticed your baby is not quite moving their arms and legs equally but everyone says that’s normal because baby is still little 😳 Have you noticed that your toddler is struggling to balance themselves and seems to fall all the time, but everyone says give them time, they only just started walking

if you answered yes to the above statements, then you might find yourself in a state of confusion and self doubt.🥴 Your baby has been achieving their gross motor skills milestones within the normal range for a typically developing child, but yet it’s the quality of movement that your child makes that just seems a little awkward that makes you concerned.

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists 🤓see many parents who come in with the same concerns about their little one. Some parents would have had concerns about the way their baby was moving their arms and legs since birth but waited until baby was 10 months old before they managed to get their family doctor or Paediatrician to recommend an assessment by an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist. Some families unfortunately don’t find their way to an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist until their child is 4 years old and the childcare recommends them to come to My Favourite Physio.

So to help parents who may be concerned about their child’s movements and unsure if they should be getting an assessment with an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists, here’s 3 key signs that you should look out for:
👶🏻1. Your baby is not moving their arms equally to reach with either arm. This would to their legs as well, if baby is not kicking their legs equally.
👶🏻2. Your child is showing a hand preference before 6 years old.
👶🏻3. Your child is delayed in their gross motor skills milestones.

If you are ticking any of the above 3 key signs, reach out to My Favourite Physio📱 on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to book an appointment with one of our 🤓Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today! Let us help your child achieve their best potential!💪

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