01 Mar Did you know that feet posture can be corrected right from Day One 😲 When baby is born, while still in hospital, the Paediatric Physiotherapist should come around to check baby’s 👶🏻 feet posture along with checking their hips.
Most babies will have a resting posture of their feet because they were curled up like a ball in Mummy’s tummy. Often you will notice that baby’s foot is either turned in or turned out.
That foot posture could be due to positioning in the womb or due to bony development when in the womb. It is important to check baby’s
foot posture because treatment strategies depends on the cause of the resting foot posture – positioning in the womb or foot bone development.
If left uncorrected, baby’s feet may not develop correctly and when baby tries to learn to stand or walk later on, they will be standing with turned out feet or turned in feet making it harder to balance on their legs to walk.
Early intervention will allow baby’s feet and leg muscles strengthen in the correct position so that learning to stand and walk is easier later on.
If you are concerned about baby’s feet posture, reach out to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to organise a free 15min phone
consult today.
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