04 Nov Parents often hear and read 🧐 that when a toddler 👶🏻 is learning to walk, it is best to let this process happen naturally, and without shoes.👣
 Thatâs because shoes 👟 can affect how a child 👶🏻 uses the muscles and bones in their feet. Bare foot walking 👣 will allow toddlers to receive feedback from the ground and improves their proprioception (awareness of their body) for balance.
This in theory may sound great, however what if 🧐 your toddlerâs feet 👣 tends to roll in at the ankles or their feetâs turns out so their feet points sideways when they walk😳. What about when your toddler 👶🏻seems to curl their toes to try to cling to the ground or when your toddler is walking on their tip toes 😳 In such situations, bare foot walking is actually NOT helpful for your toddlerâs 👶🏻 foot muscles and bone development. In fact, bare foot walking is actually DAMAGING 😳😳 your toddlerâs foot bone development because they are learning to walk with their feet in the wrong position.
There are many causes and reasons why a toddler 👶🏻 would walk with their feet in awkward positions, and it is important to have your 👶🏻 childâs feet assessed by an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist to determine the cause of their foot positions 👣 in order to have the right treatment to correct their foot positions in walking 🚶♀️ One of the strategies we would recommend is having good supportive shoes 👟 that can correct your toddlerâs feet to help them learn to walk with their feet in the correct position.
So if you have noticed that your 👶🏻 toddler walks with their feet curled or ankles rolled in or on their tip toes, the best thing to do is to seek advice from an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist instead of waiting for their to grow out of it😳😳😳 Ring My Favourite Physio onïŒ02) 9790 4233 for a FREE 15minutes phone 📱 consult with one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today.
#babyfeet #myfavouritephysio
#barefootwalking #tiptoewalking
#babyshoes #physio
#earlyintervention #babyphysio
#paedsphysio #bankstown