Have you hurt your back while gardening or cleaning the house 

Are you resting in bed 🛌 hoping that your Back Pain will go away soon🤞

Did you know that staying active and avoiding Bedrest 🛌 will actually help you recover from your Low Back 😳Pain faster

Research shows that prolong rest and avoiding activities for people with Low Back 😳 Pain actually leads to increased pain, greater disability, poorer recovery and longer absence from work. In the first few days of a new episode of Low Back 😳Pain, avoiding lifting or twisting movements can help relief your 😳 pain. More importantly,do get out of bed and carry out your daily activities of living to maintain movement in your Lower Back. Research also shows that Physiotherapy 🤓can be effective in helping you overcome your Low Back 😳 Pain. See an Expert Physiotherapist early to overcome your Low Back 😣Pain faster!

So if you are struggling with Low Back 😳 Pain and want to get back to Pain 😳 Free Active Living, ring My Favourite Physio 📱on (02) 9790 4233 and book an appointment with one of our Expert Physiotherapists🤓 today.

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